Friday, December 23, 2011

From $600 to $60

What a journey and memorable experience!! I purchased a fancy piece of jewelry 5 years ago for $600 when it was on sale for 50 % off. I never wore the ring. After a few years, I grew tired of it and decided to sell it. This is where the journey began.

I took it to the Home Consignment Center. They offered $600 for the cocktail ring but also had a 60:40 ratio split which is a fancy way of saying I would only receive $340 out of the $600. I found similar cocktail rings with them which they sold for over $1000. So I am sure after I agreed to their deal, they would have sold my ring for over $1000. Anyways, I walked away. Next I went to a pawn shop called EZ Pawn. They checked the ring by a device that gave blue-greenish light if the stones were diamonds which it did. They offered $400. Again I walked away.

My next stop was at another pawn shop called Super Pawn Shop. They looked at it and offered $180. I felt offended and so walked away. While I cursed the Super Pawn Shop in my mind, I took the highway and exited near another strip of shops near my home. I went to a Jewelry Store and asked if they bought used jewelry. They replied in negative. Then I went to the next Jewelry Store and they politely said they only value the gold and not the diamonds. So if they wanted to buy it, the offer would be only $120. I laughed and left. I went to one last shop which was a pawn shop. Keeping my hopes high, I entered and showed them the ring. After they weighed it, flashed the fancy light on it, entered information in their computer, they came up with $60. They wanted me to sell my $600, 14k white gold, 2 carat white and black diamond cocktail ring for $60!!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Media Mess

Recently I decided to stop watching and reading the news. I have come to a point in my life where I find the news interfering and distracting my otherwise peaceful day. In a world of chaos and unhappiness, whatever solace and calm I can find or create is a great gift I try to share.

The more one is detached from the media (regarding news) the more one can focus on household chores, family, relationships and one's own-self. It is the Media's aim to create a ripple and then huff and puff at it or blow it into ridiculous proportions so that it lingers in one's mind for days. I am simply fed up with it all. If you haven't tried the Media boycott with regards to news, try it and you will find yourself less dependent on anti-depressants and will enjoy a full night's sleep!!

Peace to all!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A busy month

November was a very busy month with 6 birthdays and a target to meet for writing a novel, the Nanowrimo. Nevertheless I took the challenge knowing I couldn't meet the deadline but would at least get an outline for my novel.

My novel is still a work in progress. I hope I will have it done in another month or so. But all along, I am debating the idea of e-publishing directly onto kindle or with Barnes & Noble. I am leaning more towards publishing with Amazon as they have a wider audience and a strong global presence.

I thank you all for your patience.....

Thursday, October 27, 2011

National Novel Writing Month

Thanks to Teresa Cypher for introducing the idea and website about writing a novel in one annual competition for the month of November called The NanoWriMo. This year I will be competing (God willing) not expecting a prize amongst the countless talented writers out there but to start and finish a project that I have been dreaming of doing.

I have such an intense desire to write a novel but never find the time and the will to do it. Besides there are 101 reasons to do other things when there is available time....After entertaining numerous thoughts and looking into various channels, studying the entire process to book publishing and fishing for information from published writers like Teresa, I have made up my mind to embark on this venture. With one month to write 50k words, I will at least have something drafted.

I am excited. So (please) God be with me!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Tribute to an Icon: Steve Jobs

I can’t think of writing something about Steve Jobs that the world already doesn’t know. He was a visionary, a force to be reckoned with as he said once, "Nobody has tried to swallow us since I've been here. I think they are afraid how we would taste." (ref At the annual Apple shareholder meeting (22 April 1998).

 He was a man that believed, pursued and materialized his ideas. Each time he gave the world something unique that became a necessity in every man’s life as soon as it hit the market. He never gave what consumers wanted or demanded and never believed in Think Tanks but always made something the consumers would later get addicted to. He was a leader and his products led the world.

He always wore simple clothes, a black turtle-neck to most of his conventions but the impact was tremendous. He just didn’t wear brand names to make impressions…..He himself was an impressive figure. He was a minimalist. His home had just enough furniture for use but evident of his good taste. A friend notes how Steve loved being ‘simple’ with an unmistakable eye for aesthetics. His aim was to be simple yet pleasing to the eye but at the same time sophisticated in application; something he infused in the Apple brand all along. “We’ve gone through the operating system and looked at everything and asked how can we simplify this and make it more powerful at the same time.” – ABC News, Jobs on Mac OS X Beta

At the company, they cared not for competition or to be rich but to lead. In “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.” –  The Wall Street Journal (Summer 1993).

He was a difficult boss always demanding perfection in all stages of the product from conception to completion. He made sure every employee was pushing ahead of themselves.  He admitted he was tough. “My job is not to be easy on people. My jobs is to take these great people we have and to push them and make them even better.” Talking to CNNMon he said, “I mean, some people say, ‘Oh, God, if [Jobs] got run over by a bus, Apple would be in trouble.’ And, you know, I think it wouldn’t be a party, but there are really capable people at Apple. My job is to make the whole executive team good enough to be successors, so that’s what I try to do.”

Steve went through some tough episodes in his life. But he always referred to each episode as a dot that had a pivitol role in shaping his future. He said, “Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.
So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” (ref: 
Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address)

In 2004 he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He didn’t slow down or pause his love and dream of innovating.“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - (ref: Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address).

Many tributes have flooded the internet via blogs, twitter, facebook, via iphone, ipad etc to pay tributes to this wonderful innovator. One person wrote, “An apple falls to the ground to become a shade-giving tree…”

He will be sorely missed by the entire world. In his own words, Steve once said, “I want to put a ding in the universe.”
He just did…….
May you rest in peace Steve.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

No Title is the Title

Sometimes its hard to think straight while staring at the keyboard. There is an urge to write/type but the words seem to escape my fingertips although the idea lingers in the head. I find time to write but the words fade as if I'm standing in an arid desert with no shrubs. Ideas dance in my head all the time but when I sit to jot them, they've already danced their energy away...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Changing The URL & Name of the Blog

Dear Readers,

I have been long thinking about changing my blog's name and the URL for various reasons. I would appreciate if you can help me come up with something unique. Please post your suggestions. Thank you in advance!!

Ghost Followers, Readers and Clicks

Every blogger wants to know who read their blog. You will be surprised that you have member(s) from the website '' reading your blogs daily. Another site is '' and '' where you get hits on your blog. But what is it that attracts their attention especially sites like risingtaste and businessonline etc where your blog has nothing to do with 'business'? There are tons of other websites that are getting into the business of 'spamming', targeting bloggers pretending to be loyal readers of their blog.

It makes you feel better that you have an audience who is interested in almost all of your posts. Have you ever wondered why there is no comment from them despite visiting your blog daily? That is because these sites belong to spammers. They are not hackers. Their intent is to have you click back to their website which earns them revenue. Read ranking in terms of traffic and revenue.
  • Never open accounts with shady websites that promise to expose your blog and bring traffic.
  • Avoid following back sites. There are alot of porn sites that end with ".ly" or so and they too are looking for generating traffic to their site(s).
  • Every time you check the Stats on your blog, IGNORE the ones that visit your blog everyday with no track of ever leaving a comment. They will be spammers.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Fear and Hatred After 9/11

The psychological effects and the cost of 9/11 is huge and it still continues to grow....Here is an article that I am pasting as it aptly addresses some concerns.

By S. Amjad Hussein
"Ten years ago a bunch of terrorists flew commercial airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and triggered a process that continues to extract a heavy toll in the form of blood and treasure. On that fateful day, thousands of innocent people, including a few hundred Muslims, died. As the dust settled, American Muslims found themselves besieged, vulnerable, and unwanted in this country even though they had nothing to do with al-Qaeda or 9/11 atrocities.

As American citizens, we Muslims are increasingly subjected to unprecedented scrutiny when we travel by air, our bank accounts can be probed at will, and our conversations are recorded and our telephones are tapped for the flimsiest of reasons. A Muslim name, a foreign accent, or a native dress rings alarm bells in the minds of our fellow citizens.

A wave of Islamophobia is sweeping our country that demonizes all Muslims. We are portrayed as unpatriotic, potential terrorists, and fifth columnists.
In the past 10 years things have changed for the worst. Soon after Sept. 11, 2001, two-thirds of American people had a good impression of Islam. Over the years, however, those numbers have been eroding.
Last year, at the height of the Park51 (the proposed Islamic Cultural Center two blocks from Ground Zero) controversy, the unfavorable rating rose to 55 percent, according to a poll by the Economist magazine. Another poll, released by Time magazine in August, 2010, showed that 43 percent of Americans hold unfavorable views of Muslims and 25 percent think U.S. Muslims are not patriotic.
The inevitable question is: Why?

The reasons are many. The most important and foremost is the inflammatory and incendiary rhetoric emanating from some Protestant pulpits, political demagogues, and right-wing conservative organizations and media. They work in concert to malign and tar not only the terrorists but also everyone who is a Muslim.
Clothed in patriotic tones and armed with out-of-context passages from the Qur'an and selected history, these purveyors of hate demonize the entire edifice of religion and more than 1 billion Muslims.
Given the psychological vulnerability of most Americans in the post-9/11 world, this paranoid narrative becomes convincing. Take for example a DVD titled Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West that was widely distributed free of charge a few years ago.

Prior to the 2008 presidential elections, Clarion Fund, an obscure tax-exempt organization registered in New York, distributed the inflammatory video by mass mailing and as newspaper advertisement supplements. It takes selected clips of anti-West diatribe by some Arab speakers and scenes of violence from Arab media and intersperses them with footage from the Nazi era. The inference is clear.
And then there was the controversy about building an Islamic Cultural Center two blocks from Ground Zero.
Not many people realized that a functioning Islamic Cultural Center is on the site already. Given the sensitivity of people about Ground Zero, one could understand the opposition.
But putting up a fierce fight to stop a mosque construction in rural Tennessee?

Last year in Murfreesboro, Tenn., the local Muslim community purchased 15 acres to build an Islamic center. Local people filed a lawsuit to stop the construction. The bogey of sharia law was brought up and it was claimed that Islam is not a religion and thus does not have constitutional protection.
It was apparent that most of the people who had brought the lawsuit had no contact with local Muslims. In the sordid court spectacle, one could hear the echoes of the Jim Crow era. Eventually the court dismissed the case and allowed the construction to proceed. The victory, however, was hollow because no construction company has been willing to take on the project.

The hatred against Islam and Muslims spewed by some of the American clergy, politicians, and bloggers has had effect not only here in the United States but also beyond our borders.
The massacre of 77 people, mostly children and young adult, at the hands of a cold-blooded zealot in Norway a few months ago is one such example. According to the lengthy manifesto posted on the Internet by the alleged killer, Anders Behring Breivik, he was influenced by the incendiary anti-Muslim rhetoric emanating from Web sites such as and the political and religious right wing in this country.
American history is replete with periods when religious and ethnic minorities suffered at the hands of a self-righteous majority. In the 19th century, Protestant preachers led mobs to attack Catholics.
At one time or another, Jews, Italians, Irish, Polish, and Japanese had to endure such bigotry. Even today, Catholic bashing is rather common on the Internet.
Michele Bachmann, a contender for the Republican nomination for president in 2012, attends a church that openly says the Pope is the anti-christ.

As an aside, while more than half of U.S. population has a negative view of Muslims, individually as religious groups they have no love lost among them. According to the Time magazine poll I quoted above, 29 percent of Americans hold negative views of Mormons, 17 percent of Catholics, 13 percent of Jews, and 13 percent of Protestants.

I have no doubt sanity will prevail in the end. The latter-day Know-Nothing Nativist Party and its torch bearers, the William Boykins, Sean Hannitys, Glenn Becks, Pat Robertsons, and the like, are but a transient phenomenon, just as the firebrand preachers of yore who led mobs to attack Catholics and other minorities were. History will remember them not for spreading Christian love but for poisoning the well.
Muslims are here to stay, just as others before them. They have added something special and precious to the mosaic of this great country. To forcefully tear that piece off, as some people would like to do, does nothing but deface the entire tapestry we call America the beautiful."
Dr. S. Amjad Hussain is a retired Toledo surgeon whose column appears every other week in The Blade. Contact him at:

** A link to the original article:

Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11: A Difficult Day to Re-live

I witnessed the tragic event live from the 23rd floor of the building I worked in. It was at an angle where we clearly saw the gaping hole in the first tower; the fire, the suffocating smoke, the papers flying out, the glistening glass pieces falling and eventually people jumping out. It was brutal and I never watch tv around this time for rekindling the hurt, the sorrow and the horror I witnessed first hand. It was a day where all you heard was police sirens, sirens of Fire trucks and then complete pin-drop silence.... That's when the towers fell. People were dumbstruck, confused, dazed by what had happened. For days we were silent and just let our tears speak.....

There were familiar faces one would see everyday while going to work. Even though one would never communicate, the silent nod and smile would convey tons. But many of those familiar faces were gone after 9/11. For days and months one heard stories of search, rescue, loss, and then burial in absentia. For a year we went to funerals that were held by grieved family and friends who eventually gave up the hopes of finding their loved ones alive or in one piece after a full year, the hardest thing to do.
I used to go to ground zero and just watch the ruins, trying to make sense of why this modern day barbarism could happen. I read messages scribbled by people on the scaffold-wall at ground zero which served as a temporary memorial. I read messages of Hope and grief chalked on the ground in the nearby Union Square Park which was serving as another memorial and a place where flocks of people posted pictures of loved ones with contact numbers. The park was very crowded....I saw people frantically searching for loved ones in all the hospitals, hospices, friends' homes hoping to find their loved one injured but alive. I heard stories from people narrating their 'narrow escape' and new lease on life. I continue reading stories of sacrifices made by the firefighters, the police-men that entered the towers and never came out alive again. The sacrifices made by ordinary people on that day and beyond are boundless. It makes me love NY forever.
This hurt continues to live in us especially those that saw it and experienced it in some way. It is a day I wish never existed. It is a time I wish I could skip forward and never have to re-live the experience.
God bless the departed souls. May God give courage to all those that suffered and continue suffering.... 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Son's First Day of School

6th September 2011 was my son's first day of school. Officially he now has embarked on the long journey of schooling/education making it his first major milestone. While he remained enthusiastic about it, I was anxious. I couldn't sleep the night before he started and had bouts of anxiety while he lay peacefully by my side. I had flashbacks of him being born till him jumping and playing in the present day.

I started missing him weeks before he even started  and thus stopped doing my extra-curricular activities to spend more time with him. Friends queried why I wasn't on Facebook or blogging and my reply was that I needed more time with my kids.

We never knew how our own parents felt when we started school but clearly remember our own first day of school. It's only when we have our own kids that we get to experience this new conjoined feeling of fear and faith seeing them off to school. I lose my son for part of the day but I know he is learning things that are the tools of shaping his future.

I tried hard to hold back tears as the line of kids started making their way towards their classrooms. I kept watching the disappearing line when all of a sudden my son pops out his head and gets out of league just to say, "momma I love you and miss you..." and then blows a kiss.

I love him and miss him every minute but I also want him to succeed in every challenge of Life with God by his side and my love wrapped around him. Like a friend has said, "Spend more time with your kids before they vanish into adults..."

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Poem: And So It Happened One Day....

It was a horrible second... but
the truth sunk in that it just happened....
That dark second,
soon a minute
and then, it became an hour.
That hour became many hours
and it soon became a day.
The day stretched into weeks and the weeks into months
Then it became a year.
The year will soon become many
and it will become decades
till it stretches far into oblivion...........

Seeds were planted, watered, and pruned.
There they grew so beautifully in tune.
Then they bloomed and bloomed and more
blooms were to come.
But they were plucked,
No.....they were snatched.
No.....they were torn.
No.....they were crushed and smeared.
Time did not harm them,
They withered in OUR HANDS......

Dedicated to the Sialkot Butt brothers who were murdered in broad daylight  on 8/15/10 in front of a useless and cruel crowd that just stood and watched while some recorded the incident on their cellular phones to put on YouTube. Among the crowd was a policeman who stood and watched like the others.These two young teenagers were not only beaten to death violently but were later hanged upside down in public with hands and feet tied. After some time the brothers were then taken down by the assailants and put on a tractor trailer with their heads hanging down the trailer. The crowd continued to follow the tractor till it stopped in an area that held stagnant waters where the brothers were kicked off the tractor trailer, faces down, into the foul pool of stagnant water. Their hands and feet still tied.
The Pakistani Judicial System has decided on the case and has awarded the death penalty to all the accused.....
May the brothers rest in peace....

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Who do we write for? The answer is simple: we write for ourselves and for 'an audience'. Every writer cares for this 'audience'; those he can see and those he cannot but all come together with his writings.

I have seen people that write and then hide their art fearing it is not good enough to be shared with the audience. And then there are those prolific writers that are good at writing and engaging the audience. So 'the audience' is crucial to a writer. I personally look forward to comments left by my audience and it gives me a good feeling that someone took the time to read what I composed. For that, I am ever grateful.. In return, I too take time out of my busy schedule to say a few words to them. This builds an important bond between writer and the audience.

This is a busy world. But to let another person know that he/she is appreciated for what he/she has done, or has written, painted or made is equally important and encouraging. Every person floats once awhile on an encouraging word....if you offer it.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Meaning of a Muslim Fast

It is Ramadan. A month in which the Muslims observe fasts. It is among the five obligatory acts which constitute the foundation and are called the five pillars of Islam namely 1)saying the kalma through which one acknowledges the Unity of Allah and that Mohammad (peace be upon him) is the last messenger; 2)Prayers; 3)Zakat or alms; 4)Performing Haj or pilgrimage; 5)Fasting.

The Muslim fast starts from sunrise and it ends when the sun sets. During the period of fasting from sunrise to sunset, Muslims abstain from eating and drinking any kind of food and liquid including water. Apart from the apparent attempt of staying away from food, is the attempt to stay clear of telling lies, backbiting, intimacy, profanities and other commonly practised unkind acts during the fast from sunrise to sunset. Some friends have expressed shock over having no intimacy but it is allowed with your spouse after the fast is ended at dawn.

I have heard from people why a Muslim would undergo such hardship and that it is foolish but there is tons of logic behind the Muslim fast. When a person fasts, he is drawn to noticing small things, details that he otherwise missed. An empty stomach compels you to think of others that spend their life in search of food and only live by a morsel of food. It compels you to think of how you waste your food and throw generously your food away declaring it left overs. A thirsty person is forced to think of the thirst of others who cannot find clean water or water at all. The conscious attempt to stop lying and backbiting, arguing and scheming brings you back to your pure being, self. When one is fasting he is humbled naturally.

Ramadan is the month of sharing and giving. A simple meal passes for a lavish one and is devoured hungrily. This is a month where one is disciplined; where everyone is taught to with-hold and control wants, desires, and to turn towards self-righteousness. The delights of simplicity in everything is noticed and appreciated through a minuscule of suffering. At the end one emerges feeling purified and relieved and is more appreciative of everything than before. A bit of suffering reminds one of how to appreciate and how to be content which is necessary for a healthy life. Consider all the rich people in the world that have money to buy whatever they wish but finding no content in their lives. That is because getting what they want is always at their fingertips minus the denial. Thus it becomes a routine for them. Ramadan offers a break from the monotony of routine in life; relationships, habits. It is a time to reflect and reset. A reminder to go back to the humble roots is required every now and then and that is when Ramadan holds its meaning and importance.

The end of Ramadan, the completion of the 30 day fast is celebrated with a scrumptious meal shared with near and dear ones after the Eid prayers. I call Ramadan a 30 day training period which strengthens us spiritually, morally and physically.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Genie and The Man

A man was walking along a California beach and stumbled across an old lamp.  He picked it up and rubbed it and out popped a genie!

The genie said, "OK.  You released me from the lamp, blah, blah blah. This is the fourth time this month and I'm getting a little sick of these wishes.  So you can forget about getting three wishes.  You only get one wish.

The man sat down on the beach and thought about it for awhile.  Then he said, "I've always wanted to go to Hawaii; but I'm scared to fly and I get very seasick.   Could you build me a bridge to Hawaii so that I can drive over there to visit?"

The genie laughed and said, "That's impossible!  Think of the logistics of that!   How would the supports ever reach the bottom of the Pacific?  Think of how much concrete... how much steel...!  No. Think of another wish."

The man tried to think of another wish.  Finally, he said, "I've been married and divorced several times.  My wives always said that I don't care and that I'm insensitive.  So I wish that I could understand women... know how they feel inside and what they're thinking when they give me the silent treatment...know why they're crying...know what they really want when they say, 'Nothing'...know how to make them truly happy...."

The genie said, "You want that bridge two lanes or four?"

Joke by anonymous but one of my favorites. photo from getty images

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Pastor's Ass: a joke

A pastor wanted to raise money for his church. He was told that a fortune could be made in horse races so he decided to purchase one and enter it in the races. At the local auction, however, the going price for a horse was so high that he ended up buying a donkey instead.

He figured since he had it, he might as well go ahead and enter it in the race, and to his surprise the donkey came in third. The next day the local paper carried the headline: "Pastor's Ass Shows."
The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and this time it won! The local paper read: "Pastor's Ass Out Front."
The bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. The next day, the local paper read: "Bishop Scratches Pastor's Ass".
This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. The local paper, hearing the news, posted this headline the next day: "Nun Has Best Ass in Town."
The bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for ten dollars. The next day, the paper read: "Nun Sells Ass For $10.00."

After the bishop was revived, he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild. The next day the headlines read: "Nun Announces Her Ass Is Wild and Free".
The bishop was buried the next day.

 . . . being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery, even shorten your life.

**Be yourself and enjoy life.

**Stop worrying about everyone else's ass and you'll be a lot happier and live longer!

Credit: Joke is by anonymous 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

The message/lecture by Randy is such a life-changer. Your view(s) on life will change guaranteed!!! Please pass the message on.

photo from google

Friday, July 1, 2011

How Did I Do It???

I wonder at my incompetence…. For the past week I have been eating myself up alive. I deleted all of my son’s birth photos and other precious moments of his first 3 months over a year ago and realized my mistake only now. I had a back up on a flash drive which was a faulty drive that I threw away when I moved to my new house in March, thinking I had a back-up on a CD. I had a back up for EVERYTHING except my son’s birth pics and his first 3 months!!! Unbelievable!!!! Unbelievable!!!!
I have been cursing myself every since realizing my fault. I have run a recovery software with my fingers crossed hoping to come across a snapshot but nothing turned up. The worst part is, I have always cut and pasted my pictures onto other media so pictures I had deleted showed up under the recovery software but none of the pictures I had cut and pasted showed up. Therefore there is no hope what so ever to recover my son’s precious moments. I am a total IDIOT and cannot forgive myself. I am grateful to God for my sons and pray for their health and life. May they outlive me, be healthy, wise, responsible, religious and be my shade in my old age and pray for my forgiveness to God when I am long gone. Amen

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Buying Organic Foods vs Conventional Foods

If possible try to buy the following fruits and vegetables organic in order to avoid the residue of pesticides on and inside the fruits and vegetables.

The dirty dozen list:

1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Strawberries
4. Peaches
5. Spinach
6. Imported nectarines
7. Imported grapes
8. Sweet bell peppers
9. Potatoes
10. Domestic blueberries
11. Lettuce
12. Kale/collard greens

The Enviromental Working Group also lists the "Clean 15," or that rank lowest in pesticide residues. These are:
1. Onions
2. Sweet Corn
3. Pineapples
4. Avocado
5. Asparagus
6. Sweet peas
7. Mangoes
8. Eggplant
9. Domestic cantaloupe
10. Kiwi
11. Cabbage
12. Watermelon
13. Sweet Potatoes
14. Grapefruit
15. Mushrooms

Would you like a mouthful of pesticides with your peach? If you’re eating non-organic peaches, that’s what you may well be getting. According to the 2011 edition of Environmental Working Group’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides, the majority of conventional peaches contain two or more pesticide residues; in fact, peaches as a group rack up a combination of up to 57 separate pesticides. Pesticides can be extremely toxic to human health and the environment. Both U.S. and international government agencies have linked pesticides to nervous system toxicity, cancer, hormone system disruption and IQ deficits among children.
Each year Environmental Working Group analyzes nearly 100,000 produce pesticide reports from the USDA and the FDA to determine what fruits and vegetables contain the highest (the “Dirty Dozen”) and lowest (the “Clean 15″) amounts of chemical residue. The information is presented in a handy shopper’s guide. I love this list, it is so practical and puts the ability to eat safely in everybody’s hands. It’s a brilliant workaround.
Shoppers can use the list in two ways:
• If you are unable to buy organic produce, for whatever reason, avoid the Dirty Dozen and instead opt for the Clean 15.
• If you can buy limited organic produce, purchase organically-grown items from the Dirty Dozen, and continue buying non-organic selections from the Clean 15.
Of course, in a perfect place we wouldn’t be contending with pesticides at all – but given this wonky world, at least we have some tools to help navigate around the n-methyl carbamates and organophosphate pesticides. (Did you know that some of the most commonly used pesticides today were originally derived from nerve gasses developed during World War II? Fun fact. Ugh.)
Anyway, by avoiding the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables, you can lower your pesticide consumption by nearly 92 percent.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mother Teresa's Pearls of Wisdom


People are often unreasonable
irrational and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse
you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some
unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere
people may deceive you;
Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating
others could destroy overnight;
Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
some may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

he good you do today,
will often be forgotten;
Do good anyway.

Give the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis,
It is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.


  • "Peace begins with a smile.."
  • "I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much."
  • "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
  •  "Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."
  •  "Live simply so others may simply live."
  •  "Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile."
  • "God doesn't require us to succeed, he only requires that you try" .
  • "What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family."
  • "The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved."
  •  "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."
  • "We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something."
  • "May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us." 
  • "The person who gives with a smile is the best giver because God loves a cheerful giver." 
  • "If you can't feed a hundred people, feed just one." 
  • "Work without love is slavery."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Man for All Seasons: Malcolm X

I recently watched Malcolm X. At the end of the movie, there are real images and videos of the real Malcolm X. There was something surreal about him and his life. I was so moved when I saw the movie and while I write this piece, I continue to think about him. Equally impressive was Malcolm's portrayal by Denzel Washington in the movie.

Malcolm X's life was no less than a Hollywood movie; no wonder it was made into a Hollywood movie. Born on 19th of May 1925, Malcolm Little bounced from one foster home to another and soon was involved in a series of different crimes as he grew into a young man. Malcolm Little later became the influential El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Arabic: الحاجّ مالك الشباز‎).
He was a gifted and lucid speaker which is a reason why so many people connected with him. He became a follower of the Nation of Islam whilst in jail. He continued to represent the Nation of Islam for a decade even after his release from prison. But tensions grew between Malcolm and Elijah Mohammad, the leader of Nation of Islam. These tensions were a result of the double life lead by Elijah Mohammad. When Malcolm investigated and finally confronted an unapologetic Elijah Mohammad, he immediately withdrew his support and publicly announced his decision of withdrawal and reservations over the Nation of Islam. To explore, straighten and strengthen his belief of the religion Islam, he travelled to Middle East and then Mecca for pilgrimage; Hajj. His revelations about Islam and the effects it had on him was beautifully written in his letters to his wife Betty Shabazz.

One cannot ignore his journey and achievements. He founded Muslim Mosque, Inc a religious organization, and the secular Organization of Afro-American Unity, which advocated Pan-Africanism. Once he revealed the true teachings of Islam, he became an avowed enemy of Elijah Mohammad and the Nation of Islam who eventually succeeded in killing him.

He did not have a twisted psyche as some claim. He was not wicked nor did he preach hate. He looked for an identity and a voice for the Black during a time when the Black were oppressed. His tragedy is, he was misled; by the false message and teachings of the Nation of Islam. Once he spotted the dual message and practises of its leader Elijah, he re-thought his own role and quickly disassociated himself with the whole ideology, and re-invented a message, identity and voice for the Black for a brief moment, as his life was cut short; a heavy price he paid with his own life. Had his life not been cut short, he may have changed the course of history. I cannot forget that charismatic personality and beautiful, heart captivating smile of Malcolm X as shown in the clips after the movie. There was something ethereal about him; he had magic, charisma, grace and a wonderful personality.

It is verily true that special people, ones that are loved and held dear to our hearts, are the ones that are plucked early. We know their worth once they are gone. His assassination was cruel; he may be gone physically but the legend of Malcolm X continues to live...May he rest in peace and be rewarded with eternal bliss. Amen

If you haven't watched the movie 'Malcolm X', watch it and you will be inspired like I was!!

Source: Wikipedia and Malcolm X (the movie)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pearls of Wisdom

The following points are based on my personal observation and experience. I may also include quotes that I come across from different sources that I like very much.

  • Love your enemies, it drives them nuts!!
  • Every moment is an ideal moment. Don't waste it. Make the best out of it before Time flies away.
  • The nature of lies is to please. Lies are tasty. While Truth is bitter and often treated as a joke.
  • You will never reach your destination in time if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks at you.
  • It's always better to accept the fact that you are not appreciated, than to insist yourself to someone who never sees your worth.
  • "A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand. Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain? " Anonymous
  • Never give a curious person what he wants. Always keep him on his toes and let him guess. The more unpredictable you are, the more tired they become at guessing your next move!!
  • You need to change your habits once awhile and do the unusual so that nobody is able to calculate your next answer or move.
  • Never trust anyone with your secrets. Chances are, they will be disclosed. How can you blame other people of spilling your secrets when you yourself disclosed them to another?? In other words, keep your own lid tight!!
  • Silence is a power, a force that people interpret differently. It is often misunderstood. Silence can be a sign of weakness or a sign of strength; silence can be a 'yes' or a 'no'. Silence makes a person appear extremely dignified. It is an unmistaken sign of patience and sagacity...a quality that only the best exhibit in the most difficult situation...
  • Let people howl. If something needs to be done, just do it....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Silent Killers of Man: Part One

Tile vs Carpet vs Hardwood Floor:
After purchasing a new home 2 months ago, I thought of removing the old carpet and upgrade to either tile or hardwood flooring. The options were tremendous and so were the prices!! With a meager budget, I narrowed down my choice to buying something eco-friendly and safe with minimal effect on indoor air quality. But to buy something healthy, one has to pay a hefty price!! So with each option ranging from tile, to carpet, to wood, I was surprised to read about the harmful effects that each may have depending on the make and quality.

The main categories for Tiles are: ceramic, porcelain, vinyl, cork, travertine, marble, granite. The price range was different with each type of tile from $2.99 to $7 and up, per square foot. The factors in the selection process for me were: Price, quality, health (indoor air quality), the type of backing to be used under the tile, adhesives and workmanship involved. With ceramic and porcelain tiles I had to make sure it didn’t have lead, bromine etc. I couldn’t find any maker that claimed in writing that their product had no lead in their tiles. I called some companies and they verbally promised their product was lead free which wasn’t a good answer for me (till I saw it in writing!!). Some companies were nice enough to give me the specifications to their product which after reviewing for a particular tile I would be interested in, I would find that the specs indicated a very slight, a miniscule of lead present in the tile. Now imagine if each tile had a miniscule of lead present in it, how much of it would be present collectively over a wide square footage area!!! Besides when (a) tile was to be removed, the dust released would be extremely dangerous for those around the area as it would contain lead!!!!
So I dropped the idea of ceramic and porcelain as I have small kids. I moved on to carpeting. Since carpets are made from petroleum by-products, they let out VOCs unless you use wool carpet which is out of my budget. Off-gassing will likely continue for some time. Dust mites, and other allergens were also taken under consideration. To read more on carpets, the VOCs in carpets, and other related questions visit:

I moved on to travertine, marble or granite which I am still exploring. But I also entertained the idea of hardwood flooring. Laminate is out of question because of the formaldehyde issues.
But for hardwood flooring you have to be careful too. Is pure wood better than engineered wood? Engineered wood uses layers of wood and each layer is glued by formaldehyde. In that case you have to make sure it has an E0 or E1 rating, a rating developed by EU which is used to measure the amount of formaldehyde leaked into the air by off-gassing. For a detail explanation on the formaldehyde issue and the ratings and what else to look out for, please visit:

I promise these sites are helpful for the health-conscience!!!

As for my flooring, I am still leaning towards hardwood floor vs travertine and marble. Hardwood floor increases home value in the long run. It can be healthy especially if I choose to use floating rather than glue or nailing it down. Any suggestions??

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Woman that Kisses our Pain Away

“To understand your parents' love you must raise children yourself.”
Chinese Proverb

Parents understand children even before they utter a word. They are the only beings on earth that will accept you as you are. There is no pretense in their love.

While both parents are assinged different duties by nature, it is a mother who cuddles us and spreads her wings of love around us. We don’t realize our mother’s hardships and sleepless nights during the nine months she carried us. We don’t realize how she left her breakfast, lunch and dinner cold to attend to our hunger. We don’t realize how many times she woke up in the middle of the night to watch us go back to sleep peacefully and then get ready for the tough challenges of the next day.
Every day should be Mother’s Day. A woman should be thanked for the different roles she plays for the betterment of mankind, the many facets she has. A mother should be appreciated for the daily Herculean tasks she completes that otherwise look so easy to men and the rest of the family. A mother should be thanked and appreciated daily not just on one day dubbed Mother’s Day. Our lives are in order because of this woman, this mother, this wife,this sister, this partner.

If you want to give something special to your mother or the mother of your kids, show some gratitude and appreciation for the daily efforts she puts into everything that brings out the best in everyone and everything. That one thought alone will mean a lot to her; to know that you appreciate her for all the untold miseries, hardships and challenges she went through day in and out just to bring a smile on your face….

Remember to forgive her if she didn't turn out to be the best; wasn't there when you needed her, wanted her, because in the many roles a mother plays, constant pressure(s) may impede and destroy her priorities for which she must not be blamed. She has after all, given birth to you, a pain that she underwent for restless hours.

Mom I love you and acknowledge your every effort...Thank you for being in my life. Happy Mother’s day to you!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Telling Sweet Lies

Why are people obsessed with telling lies? Why do they choose to cover the truth with a lie or a series of lies?

I fail to understand why this is the most practised sin. People of all intellects find it easy to hide under sheets of "lies" and excuses. Is it comforting? Does it give them a good after-feeling? Is it the anecdote for a hurt image?

I never had the problem to swallow my pride and cough up the truth when required. I expect that as a norm with everyone. I guess it is not....

Telling the truth and living by it, simplifies the life one lives. It untangles messes and although it appears that truth damages relationships in the short term, it saves us in the long term.

There is beauty in truth.
As Keats rightly said,
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty," -that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."

Monday, May 2, 2011

Soup Served: Bin Laden is Dead

I am under a strange cloud of feelings. As a human being I don't celebrate anyone's death whether a muslim or non-muslim. As I read different reactions to the debacle of the killing of Osama, I understand how it has effected everyone on the globe.

Personally I believe Osama has done no good to the very religion he held dear; Islam. He has blotted the name of Islam and has caused it to become a much hated religion in present times. Muslims living in non-muslim countries find it hard to practise their beliefs as the religion has become tarnished by the actions of the extremist elements. Osama did nothing but harm Islam and carried out his murderous raids in the name of religion. He certainly cannot be considered a hero of the religion.

I remember how my boss, a Christian started hating me after 9/11. He had lost a close relative in one of the Twin Towers. He would forward to the entire company all the hate emails that he would receive about muslims and immigrants. The irony is, he himself was a second or third generation American. But his rage continued. To end the harassment, I resigned. Today I am sure he received his justice like many and was compensated for what he went through. But when will I get my compensation for the hate and the harassment?? I too suffered and continue to do so mentally. There is no end in sight because of the rotten image Islam has been given thanks to Bin Laden.

Bin Laden has changed the world in many aspects. Among them,he has changed the aviation safety rules. Those annoying delays, pat downs, head to toe screenings at airports have his footprints. Those free unchecked entries into buildings are gone. What can and cannot be carried into high traffic areas such as the bottled water, beverages, mobile phone, cameras, purses, backpacks, hats etc. all have his name on it.

Of all the comments I read, I love the one issued by the Vatican. Below is an excerpt:

"Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden will have to answer to God for having killed many people and exploiting religion to spread hate, the Vatican said."

Spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that while Christians "do not rejoice" over a death, it serves to remind them of "each person's responsibility before God and men".

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Search for an Audience

I am fairly new to blogging. I have been emailing, writing in different newspapers, composing my own poetry and prose, and posting stuff on facebook and its pages/groups. But then I thought it was time for adding a new dimension to the idea of sharing one's art and passion for writing via blogspot.

Now the quest has begun to look for new faces, ie new readers and the opinions they may have. It is a whole new experience and I have started loving it already. The very idea that I may find someone new is like finding a long lost friend. I hope the reader will connect with me through my writings and I hope to form a bond of respect with them too.

So happy reading and please do visit my blog time and again as I continue to add more and more to it.

photo from

Friday, April 29, 2011

Princess of Wales, Dianna

Today was Prince William's wedding. It was such a beautiful wedding. Notably absent was his beautiful mother the late Princess of Wales, Diana. One wonders what impact her presence must have had on the wedding had she been alive and graced this event. I am sure about one thing that she would have "stolen" the spotlight from Kate like she did from her husband Charles years ago on her own wedding. I remember reading the Newsweek line, "Diana, stop stealing the show.." a reference to her taking all the media attention from Charles. And it continued long afterwards to the dismay of the Royal family.

Diana was not only beautiful but innocent. She was 19 years old when she married Charles. She was soon dubbed Shy Di for her shy and bashful nature. She was the epitome of beauty, elegance, style, grace, sweetness, and courage. She had her feet on the ground yet there was something grand about her. Her touch was human yet it healed many. Her presence was undoubtly so impressive that dignitaries from around the world would fidget in her presence. She was the most photographed woman of the world.

Young Kate may imitate the style and approach of Diana but will always be Kate; not Diana. She may be compared to Diana but she will always trail behind Diana. The reason: Diana came into an enviroment that was stiff and bold. She broke all barriers and traditions that the Royals observed for centuries. She gave the Royals a touch of modernity, a face of benevolence, compassion, beauty, style and grace along with duty as opposed to their stiff upper lip tradition(s), practices and appearance. She showed the world that she is a Royal but with a human heart; she cried, lamented and fell public.
So Kate can do good things, maybe better but she has to remember that she owes it to Diana who paved the way for her.

Diana, we miss you and today on your son's wedding you were being missed even more......May you find the solace, happiness and freedom that you deserved... Rest in peace!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Where Do I Go..?

"When I talk of the East, he talks of the West. When I talk of the South, he talks of the North. When I want to run, he wants to walk. When I want to talk, he wants to sleep. And the list goes miles long.
Sometimes I wonder which direction to look in that will allow us to synchronize our views and our thoughts."

      My friends words reiterates in my mind. I have heard this so many times. I have started to believe this has become the norm of almost every relationship. Some people walk off and enter new relationships yet some choose to stick with this pale relationship due to kids, a binding responsibility. Some may not choose to stay because of the kids but because of other responsibilities that pose as huge risks and challenges or social norms and traditions placed upon a marriage in a society much different than the West.

       It is important for a Man to compliment his woman and vice versa. Regardless of what others think, it is the thought and consideration of the partner that really matters. I once overheard a conversation between a nurse and a patient. The nurse asked the lady what her height was. The lady answered with ambiguity "5.6'' or 5.8'' or ... I don't know exactly." The nurse looked at her and said, "you know I think your partner should tell you and then only then you will remember.."
      I thought about what the nurse said and then realized it is true. If the partner ever noticed you, you would know more about yourself than the mirror tells you every time you look at it. It is not your eyes that always sees you effectively. If the partner appreciates you or what you do, you don't need a mirror at all because your mirror is your partner; he/she tells you what you are.

     Appreciation goes a long way. It is an essential ingredient in any relationship. Whether you deal with kids, your own or not, your partner, your friends etc all fall under this spectrum of hungry for attention and appreciation. A kind word does magic. So try praising someone, anyone. You will see improvements in the overall attitude. Lets hope someone will do the same for you!!!!